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首页 > 大学资讯 > 2012年毕节职业技术学院毕业证书样本 > 正文

   来源:创新教育分类信息网   URL:www.baifenbai2018.com

历史沿革:毕节职业技术学院是2008年2月经贵州省人民政府批准、教育部备案组建成立的全日制公办普通高等职业技术学院,贵州省毕节农业学校同时并入,2015 年加挂“毕节市第一技工学校” 牌子。形成了以高职教育为主体,中职教育、继续教育和社会培训、技能鉴定为两翼,科研、技术开发与推广服务为助推的办学格局。
办学定位:立足毕节、助力脱贫攻坚,开放办学、实现内涵发展。(1)服务面向定位:服务毕节、辐射周边,重点瞄准脱贫攻坚、乡村振兴战略主战场、全面服务试验区经济社会发展。(2)功能层次定位:高职教育为主、中高职贯通,培训与继续教育、科研与社会服务并举。(3)专业发展定位:“全面发展、协调发展、错位发展、特色发展”优化专业结构;以农牧、电子商务、土建等 3 个专业群为重点,以电子信息类、旅游类、装备制造类为骨干,煤炭类、航空运输类专业为特色,学前教育、护理等多专业协调发展。(4)培养目标定位:培养知行合一、自信创新的高素质技术技能人才。(5)发展目标定位:建成极具职教精准扶贫特色的省级优质高等职业院校,成为全国贫困地区职教精准扶贫的生动典型。

College Name: Bijie Vocational and Technical College
History Evolution: Bijie Vocational and Technical College is a full-time public higher vocational and technical college established in February 2008 with the approval of Guizhou Provincial People's Government and the record of the Ministry of Education. Bijie Agricultural School of Guizhou Province has been merged at the same time. In 2015, Bijie No. 1 Technical School has been added. It has formed a school-running pattern with higher vocational education as the main body, secondary vocational education, continuing education and social training, skill appraisal as the wings, and scientific research, technology development and extension services as the boost.
The nature of running a school: Full-time ordinary colleges and universities co-founded by Guizhou Provincial Education Department and Bijie City, mainly organized by Bijie City, are institutional legal persons engaged in public welfare services.
School-running philosophy: build people with moral integrity, educate craftsmen with the same team of schools and enterprises, help the poor through vocational education, innovate and pioneer teachers and students to achieve a well-off life.
The orientation of running a school: based on Bijie, helping to fight poverty, opening up the school and realizing the connotation development. (1) Service orientation: service completion, radiation of the periphery, focusing on poverty alleviation, Rural Revitalization strategy, the main battlefield, comprehensive service for the economic and social development of the pilot area. (2) Functional level orientation: Higher vocational education is the main, middle and higher vocational education is connected, training and continuing education, scientific research and social services are combined. (3) Professional development orientation: "comprehensive development, coordinated development, dislocation development, characteristic development" to optimize the professional structure; focusing on agriculture and animal husbandry, e-commerce, civil engineering and other three professional groups, with electronic information, tourism, equipment manufacturing as the backbone, coal, air transport as the characteristics, preschool education, nursing and other professional coordinated development. (4) Training target orientation: training high-quality technical and skilled personnel with knowledge and action as one and self-confidence and innovation. (5) Orientation of development goals: To build provincial-level high-quality vocational colleges with the characteristics of precise poverty alleviation in vocational education has become a vivid model of precise poverty alleviation in poverty-stricken areas throughout the country.
School-running mode: cooperation between government, government, school and enterprise, multi-party cooperation in educating people, open and concerted development.
School running characteristics: (1) Develop the spirit of "hard struggle, tenacious struggle" and create a vivid model of "innovation leading, leapfrog development" in poverty-stricken areas. (2) Keeping in mind the mission of "taking root and getting rid of poverty accurately", vocational education will play a decisive role in poverty alleviation. (3) Adhering to the concept of "educating people with aesthetics and educating people with culture", campus cultural activities highlight their characteristics.
Scale of running a school: According to social needs and conditions of running a school to determine the scale of running a school, about 10,000 full-time students.
