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   来源:创新教育分类信息网   URL:www.baifenbai2018.com

历史沿革 学校的前身是创建于1958年的百色高等医学专科学校,1978年升格为本科医学院校,并更名为右江民族医学院。1982年获学士学位授予权,1997年通过全国普通高校本科教学合格评估,2000年获得招收外国留学生资格,2007年接受教育部本科教学工作水平评估获优秀等级,2013年成为硕士学位授权单位,2015年获“全国文明单位”“全国毕业生就业典型经验高校”(全国高校就业50强)、教育部临床医学专业认证6年认证期限。
办学条件 学校占地面积106.54万平方米,教学行政用房建筑总面积为14.22万平方米,其中教学科研及辅助用房建筑总面积为12.96万平方米,行政用房建筑面积1.26万平方米,学生宿舍面积7.64万平方米,拥有教学科研仪器设备总值13209.43万元,图书馆馆藏图书72.01万册;主办省级学术期刊《右江民族医学院学报》和《右江医学》;学生自主学习平台等网络信息资源丰富,实现校园网络全覆盖;建有功能齐全的模拟医院及临床技能实训中心,建有1个国家级住院医师规范化培训基地;建有1所直属附属医院和5所非直属附属医院以及55个教学实践基地。
内设机构 学校设有基础医学院、临床医学院、公共卫生与管理学院、药学院、医学检验学院、医学影像学院、研究生学院、护理学院、国际语言文化教育学院、成人教育学院(继续教育学院)、马克思主义学院、口腔医学院、全科医学院等13个二级学院,体育部等1个系(部)。
办学规模 开设22个全日制普通本、专科专业及专业方向,基础医学和临床医学为硕士学位授权一级学科点,形成了普通本科教育、专科教育、研究生教育、留学生教育、成人教育等多层次、多类型的办学格局。学校现有学生26038人,普通全日制学生13404人,其中本科生9007人,预科生157人,研究生311人,留学生254人,高职高专生3675人;非全日制成人学历教育学生12634人。
学科专业 涵盖医学、文学、管理学等3个门类;22个全日制普通本、专科专业,其中,自2018年起临床医学本科专业在广西本科第一批次进行招生。拥有2个广西一流学科、4个广西壮族自治区优势特色学科、1个广西临床医学研究中心、2个国家中医药管理局重点建设学科、9个广西重点学科,7个广西高等学校优势特色专业、6项自治区特色专业及实验实训教学基地(中心)建设项目、5项自治区特色专业及课程一体化建设项目、2项自治区级精品在线开放课程、4项自治区级精品视频公开课,拥有3个一级学科硕士学位授权点和3个硕士专业学位授权点,二级学科硕士授权点 16个。形成了普通本科教育、专科教育、研究生教育、留学生教育、成人教育等多层次、多类型的办学格局。
科学研究 学校五年来(2014-2018)共获国家自然基金项目资助65项,教育部人文社科项目6项,广西科技计划项目92项,各级科研立项共获纵向资助经费6000万元。科研平台和创新团队建设取得新突破,获国家民委第二批重点研究基地立项1个,获批设立广西博士后创新实践基地1个;获广西临床医学研究中心、广西自然科学基金创新团队、广西高校高水平创新团队各1个。获广西科技进步奖二等奖5项、三等奖3项;广西自然科学二等奖1项;全国行业科学技术奖三等奖1项;广西社会科学成果二等奖2项、三等奖2项;获发明专利17项。共发表学术论文4200余篇,其中SCI、EI、ISTP等收录论文57篇;出版学术著作、教材54部。
师资队伍 学校现有专任教师816人,其中具有高级专业技术职务人员398人。近年来,学校组织实施了“双百工程”,选派94名优秀教师出国留学,通过申请获得自治区级、国家级教育基金项目选派25名优秀教师出国留学,聘请英国帝国理工大学教授、“上海曙光学者”等高层次人才来校工作。现有享受国务院政府特殊津贴专家4人,自治区优秀专家1人,广西“新世纪十百千人才工程”第二层次人选2人,“广西优秀中青年骨干教师培养对象”3人,“广西高校优秀人才资助计划”人选15人,自治区有突出贡献科技人员 1人,自治区先进工作者1人,“八桂名师”1人,全国优秀教师及优秀教育工作者7人,自治区优秀教师8人,广西高校教学名师1人,“广西青年科技奖”获得者2人,自治区级教学团队2个,广西优秀专家及广西特聘教授、卓越学者各1名。
教育教学 学校获批教育部卫生部“第一批卓越医生教育培养计划项目试点高校”,获得1个国家级大学生校外实践教育基地建设项目、1个教育部专业综合改革试点项目、4个自治区实验教学示范中心、2个自治区教学团队、1个自治区人才培养创新实验区、7个自治区高等学校优势特色专业、5项自治区特色专业及课程一体化建设项目、6门自治区精品课程;近三年来获自治区教学成果奖特等奖1项、一等奖2项、二等奖3项、三等奖8项。

Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities is a full-time general undergraduate college directly under the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. It is located in Baise City, Guangxi, the birthplace of Baise Uprising led by Comrade Deng Xiaoping. The school undertakes the training of undergraduates, postgraduates and foreign students. It is the largest center of higher medical education, medical health service and medical scientific research in the border areas of Guangxi, Yunnan and Guizhou provinces.
The predecessor of the School of Historical Evolution was Baise College of Medical Sciences, founded in 1958. It was upgraded to a medical college in 1978 and renamed Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities. In 1982, he was granted the right to grant bachelor's degree. In 1997, he passed the national undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation of ordinary universities. In 2000, he was qualified to recruit foreign students. In 2007, he received the excellent grade of undergraduate teaching evaluation of the Ministry of Education. In 2013, he became the authorized unit of master's degree. In 2015, he was awarded the "National Civilized Unit" and the "National University with Typical Employment Experience for Graduates The certification period of clinical medicine specialty of Ministry of Education is 6 years.
The school covers an area of 106.54 million square meters, and the total area of teaching and administrative buildings is 142.2 million square meters. Among them, the total area of teaching, scientific research and auxiliary buildings is 129.6 million square meters, the total area of administrative buildings is 126,600 square meters, and the area of students'dormitories is 76,400 square meters. It has a total value of 13.209.43 million yuan, and 721,000 books in the library collection. Host Provincial Academic Journals "Journal of Youjiang Medical College for Nationalities" and "Youjiang Medical Science"; rich network information resources such as students'self-learning platform to achieve full coverage of the campus network; build a fully functional simulation hospital and clinical skills training center, build a national resident standardized training base; build a directly affiliated hospital and five non-directly affiliated hospitals and 55 It is a teaching practice base.
Institutional schools have 13 secondary colleges, including basic medical college, clinical medical college, School of public health and management, pharmacy college, medical laboratory college, medical imaging college, graduate school, nursing college, international linguistic and cultural education college, Adult Education College (continuing education college), Marxist college, stomatology medical college, general medical college, Ministry of Physical Education, etc. Departments.
There are 22 full-time general undergraduate, specialty and specialty orientations in the school scale. Basic medicine and clinical medicine are the first-level disciplines authorized for master's degree, forming a multi-level and multi-type school-running pattern of general undergraduate education, specialty education, postgraduate education, overseas students education and adult education. There are 26 038 students and 13404 full-time students, including 9007 undergraduates, 157 preparatory students, 311 postgraduates, 254 foreign students, 3675 higher vocational students and 12634 non-full-time adult education students.
Subject majors include medicine, literature, management and other three categories; 22 full-time general and specialty majors, of which, since 2018, clinical medicine undergraduate majors have been recruited in the first batch of undergraduate courses in Guangxi. It has 2 first-class disciplines in Guangxi, 4 dominant and characteristic disciplines in Guangxi, 1 Guangxi Clinical Medical Research Center, 2 key disciplines of the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 9 key disciplines in Guangxi, 7 dominant and characteristic disciplines in Guangxi colleges and universities, 6 autonomous region characteristic disciplines and experimental training teaching base (center) construction projects, 5 autonomous region characteristic disciplines and courses. There are three first-class master's degree authorization points, three master's degree authorization points and 16 second-class master's degree authorization points. It has formed a multi-level and multi-type school-running pattern of general undergraduate education, specialized education, postgraduate education, overseas student education and adult education.
In the past five years (2014-2018), the Scientific Research School has received 65 projects from the National Natural Fund, 6 projects from the Ministry of Education on Humanities and social sciences, 92 projects from the Guangxi Science and Technology Plan, and a total of 60 million yuan in vertical funding for scientific research projects at all levels. New breakthroughs have been made in the construction of scientific research platforms and innovative teams, one of the second batch of key research bases of the National People's Committee, one of the post-doctoral innovative practice bases of Guangxi, one of the innovative teams of Guangxi Clinical Medical Research Center, Guangxi Natural Science Foundation and one of the high-level innovative teams of Guangxi universities. He won 5 second-class prizes and 3 third-class prizes of Guangxi Science and Technology Progress Award, 1 second-class prize of Guangxi Natural Science, 1 third-class prize of National Industry Science and Technology Award, 2 second-class prizes and 2 third-class prizes of Guangxi Social Science Achievement, and 17 invention patents. A total of 4200 academic papers have been published, including 57 papers in SCI, EI, ISTP and 54 academic works and textbooks.
Teachers Team School currently has 816 full-time teachers, including 398 senior professional and technical personnel. In recent years, the school has organized and implemented the "Double Hundred Project". 94 excellent teachers have been selected to study abroad. 25 excellent teachers have been selected to study abroad by applying for the education fund projects at the autonomous region level and the national level. Professors from Imperial University of Technology, Shanghai Dawn Optics and other high-level talents have been employed to work in the school. At present, there are four experts enjoying special allowances from the State Council, one excellent expert from the autonomous region, two candidates for the second level of Guangxi's "100,000 Talents Project in the New Century", three candidates for the training of outstanding young and middle-aged backbone teachers in Guangxi, 15 candidates for the "Grant Scheme for Excellent Talents in Colleges and Universities in Guangxi", one outstanding scientific and technological personnel from the autonomous region, one advanced worker from the autonomous region, and eight Gui candid One Teacher, 7 Excellent Teachers and Educators, Autonomous Region
